I musi­ca­li pugliesi

Ritratti Festival

MONOPOLI – Ensemble05 

Il festival

Un Festival che por­ta la musi­ca in alcu­ne del­le loca­tion più bel­le del­la Puglia. Partendo dal suo cuo­re pul­san­te, l’an­ti­co chio­stro di Palazzo San Martino a Monopoli con la sua atmo­sfe­ra sug­ge­sti­va, il Festival Ensemble in Residence rea­liz­za ogni anno ritrat­ti – omag­gi dedi­ca­ti a com­po­si­to­ri clas­si­ci del pas­sa­to e del pre­sen­te, ma anche pro­gram­mi cros­so­ver e jazz.

The Festival

A Festival that brings music in some of the most beau­ti­ful venues in Puglia, Italy. Starting from its bea­ting heart, the ancient cloi­ster at Palazzo San Martino in Monopoli with its char­ming atmo­sphe­re, the Festival Ensemble in Residence pain­ts eve­ry year por­trai­ts – hom­ma­ges dedi­ca­ted to clas­si­cal com­po­sers from the past and pre­sent, as well as cros­so­ver and jazz programs.