I musi­ca­li pugliesi

Carpino In Folk

CARPINO – APS Carpino In Folk 

Il festival

CARPINO IN FOLK è un festi­val che si svol­ge a Carpino, sul Gargano e ha lo sco­po di risco­pri­re e di espor­ta­re la musi­ca tra­di­zio­na­le car­pi­ne­se e gar­ga­ni­ca in Italia e nel mon­do, valo­riz­zar­la e tro­va­re una fusio­ne con gli sti­li e le influen­ze del­la World Music. Ogni anno il Carpino In Folk richia­ma arti­sti nazio­na­li e inter­na­zio­na­li e per que­sto la Piazza del pae­se diven­ta luo­go di incon­tro di tan­te cul­tu­re ed etnie diverse.

The Festival

CARPINO IN FOLK is a festi­val that takes pla­ce in Carpino, on the Gargano and has the aim of redi­sco­ve­ring and expor­ting the tra­di­tio­nal music of Carpino and Gargano in Italy and around the world, enhan­cing it and fin­ding a fusion with the sty­les and influen­ces of World Music. Every year the Carpino In Folk attrac­ts natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal artists and for this rea­son the town squa­re beco­mes a mee­ting pla­ce for many dif­fe­rent cul­tu­res and eth­nic groups.