Puglia Sounds is a project by Puglia Culture - Sistema Musica

About us

Puglia Sounds

Puglia Sounds is a toolkit designed to con­trib­ute to the devel­op­ment of the music industry in Puglia.

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In the pic­ture: luminar­ie dur­ing a Puglia Sounds event
In the pic­ture: Yaràkä — Canto all’alie, frame from a video

Call for proposals

Our Calls for Pro­pos­als are inten­ded to qual­i­fy the whole of the music sec­tor in the Puglia Region.

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Inter­na­tion­al Fest­iv­al & Music Conference


MED­IMEX is a music fest­iv­al entirely fin­anced by the Puglia Region.

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In the pic­ture: fans at Med­imex 2023
In the pic­ture: Dur­ante, Adams — cred­its Ant­o­nio Pupa

Memor­anda of Understanding

By sign­ing Memor­anda of Under­stand­ing, Puglia Sounds as an organ­iz­a­tion estab­lishes part­ner­ships with oth­er insti­tu­tions and networks.

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Pan­or­ama Puglia Call


The fest­ivals that respond to the Pan­or­ama Puglia Call

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In the pic­ture: from a Loco­mot­ive Jazz Fest­iv­al event