I musi­ca­li pugliesi

Freedom Jazz Festival

MESAGNE – Lydian aps 

Il festival

Quattro pro­get­ti che si uni­sco­no per crea­re un’e­spe­rien­za straor­di­na­ria! Musicisti inter­na­zio­na­li ven­go­no ospi­ta­ti all’in­ter­no del­le resi­den­ze arti­sti­che del Freedom JF. Le spe­cial guests ese­gui­ran­no i loro bra­ni insie­me alla Freedom Extensive (orche­stra jazz ad orga­ni­co varia­bi­le) dopo alcu­ni gior­ni di work­shop; regi­stre­ran­no pro­get­ti ori­gi­na­li con la Lydian Records. Ed anco­ra, il Premio inter­na­zio­na­le Gianni Lenoci”, con­cor­so che acco­glie e pro­muo­ve i pro­get­ti ine­di­ti con atten­zio­ne al jazz contemporaneo.

The Festival

Four pro­jec­ts coming toge­ther to crea­te an ama­zing expe­rien­ce! Special guests in Artist in Residence’ will hold work­shops; they will make music toge­ther at Freedom Extensive (a jazz orche­stra); they will record ori­gi­nal pro­jec­ts at Lydian Records; they will par­ti­ci­pa­te in the Freedom Jazz Festival’ and other even­ts in coo­pe­ra­tion with Lydian. And more, the Gianni Lenoci International Award” . The com­pe­ti­tion wel­co­mes unpu­bli­shed works about con­tem­po­ra­ry jazz.